Elaine Ward (Pereira)
Hi Everyone,
If we're connected on Facebook, then some of you already know I lost my husband Joseph March 30, 2022 from biliary cancer (bile duct, pancreas and liver). And surreal grief didn't end there; June 13th my 12 yo lab/shepherd died of a stroke, quickly followed by my closest girlfriend of over 40 years to pancreatic cancer! Death's trifecta still affects me and will for a long time.
Now, I belong to Compassion and Choices Michigan Action Team, the local counterpart to the nation’s largest and most active nonprofit working to improve care, expand options, and empower everyone to have a voice in their end-of-life journey.
My personal advocacy for medical-aid-in-dying (MAiD) launched after witnessing Joe's inhumane, catastrophically painful death. Over a 5-week period even with daily hospice support and medication administration every hour, he was in constant agony! As his cancer metastasized it invaded every organ with its tortuous tentacles always several steps ahead of any meaningful treatments. I’ll never un-see nor un-hear his last weeks!
Joe didn’t have to die like this! No one should. Had MAiD been available in Michigan, he could have had a peaceful, painless end of life. And he would have been the perfect candidate, meeting all 4 criteria as outlined below:
Last week several senators in Michigan proposed Senate Bill #681 a Death with Dignity law, which would allow terminally ill (6 mos) adults the option of obtaining a prescription to pass peacefully on their own timeline, at home, surrounded by family and friends if they want. 4 critical criteria: 1-Terminally ill, 2-Lucid, 3-Adults, 4-Able to self ingest the medication. (NOT Kevorkian like assisted suicide!!!)
I'm reaching out to my former classmates, their family, and their friends about this important subject. If you’re supportive, please take a moment to join https://www.compassionandchoices.org and encourage like-minded friends/family to do the same. The larger the MI membership, the better. Donate financially if you can as well. Michigan needs your voice!
I’m fully committed to the marathon that we’re embarking on and all in! IF you’d consider being a volunteer also, PLEASE join the movement. It can be all consuming, like me, or whatever you have time for.
Hope you’ll join us; please contact either of our two Michigan co-leaders: Dorothy Engelman, dorothy@endoflifemichigan.com and/or Shelby McBride shelby@endoflifemichigan.com
I welcome any questions or comments and look forward to networking with you. My email address is elainep@chartermi.net.
Thank you! Elaine (Ward) Pereira