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08/11/21 10:13 AM #1    


Elaine Ward (Pereira)

Hi Class of 1970 50+1 Reunion Friends,                                                                                                                          

It looks like the committee has done an amazing job organizing the reunion and it should be a blast!  Big kudos to the planning committee!

As much as I planned on and still really want to attend, I'm sure I'm not the only one a little spooked by the rapidly spreading Covid Delta variant.  We were vaccinated back in March.  Based on Michigan's vaccination totals, Seniors Rock at over 70% fully vaccinated!    

Does anyone know if our reunion folks are closer to a 90% vax rate?     

Does anyone plan on wearing a mask for additional protection?

In no way do I want people to bail and destroy this once in a lifetime opportunity to gather for our 50+1 reunion.  But no one wants to see it turn into a super spreader either.  

Without question I would attend, get Covid tested afterward, and quarantine if necessary where it not for the fact that my Denver daughter is coming in the following Thursday.  Like many of you separated from your kids and grandkids for far too long, we haven’t seen each other for 2 years.  

I'd genuinely appreciate knowing how others are feeling

Thank you,

Elaine (Ward) Pereira












08/12/21 04:51 PM #2    

Dan McEachin (McEachin)

I reluctantly admit to being a party pooper. I am worried about inadvertently being an asymptotic carrier because our niece recently started chemotherapy. Please apply my registration to the fundraising effort. Thanks, Dan McEachin

08/12/21 07:24 PM #3    


Diane Sprouse (Hutchens)

Hi - I believe in the science, I have had both of my Pizer shots. I had a kidney transplant on May 10, 2021. I do not plan to wear a mask. I will gladly shake hands and fondly embrace any of so inclined classmates. Hope to see everyone there. I know we'll all have a great time!


08/13/21 01:44 PM #4    


Joe Northrop

Howdy Everybody, Was looking forward to reconnecting, but have to cancel my plans to attend. My Mom moved in with me (temporarily) in March of 2020 after her seniors place went on lockdown...she never left😩  Ive become a caregiver by default. I have someone who spends days with her, and another lady who stays nights when I'm away. This lady was sick all week and tested positive for the Delta variant of Covid yesterday.  Not really possible to arrange for a replacement, so I'll miss you all. I hope you all have a great time! Best, Joe (please use my payment for the event however you wish)







08/14/21 12:33 PM #5    


Patti/Tricia Marlatt (Scully)

Many, many thanks to the Reunion Committee for your time, energy and dedication.  Last spring, when we confirmed our reunion attendance, I never would've believed we would be facing the Delta variant.  We are vaccinated but we are also helping to provide caregiving for my Mom.   I guess I don't need to say anything more.  I am very, very sad to miss our 50+1 Reunion, especially since it is a once in a life time event!   Hello to everyone and I wish you all well!  To our Gang of Ten, please use our contribution in whatever way helps our Class of '70.  Best Always,  Tricia Scully a.k.a. Patti Marlatt

08/14/21 07:41 PM #6    


Diane Sprouse (Hutchens)

Hi - I had my Delta Variant Booster Shot today at Meijer. Feeling great. Patti -- I am so sorry to hear that you won't be there. E-mail at and I will e-mail you copies of pictures from our senior trip to the Double JJ Ranch. You are in several of them. My best to you and  your family, and hope you all stay well.


08/15/21 05:04 PM #7    

Debbie Gladysz (Ulrich)

Hey class of 70! My plans to attend have to be canceled. Unfortunately I awoke this morning with a sore throat and coughing. I think it's pobably my annual late summer cold but I would hate for it to be of concern for anyone there. SInce all has been paid for, I now have "Travel Funds" for future use. As far as the money I sent to Carol, just apply it to the scholarship fund. I'll keep my eye open for something in Oct. Maybe get to go to one of those MOB lunches. Have fun. Can't wait to see the pictures.

08/17/21 02:31 PM #8    


Chris Stender

Brian, I am taking your advice about clean underwear, but many days I don't wear any at all.

I am so looking forward to getting together with good old friends i have missed out on being with. Being so far away in San Antonio has preventing me from being with y'all!  I hope to catch up with many of you.

As a Covid 19 virus recipient, I am happy that my wife and I were in good health and recovered after minor symptoms over a 3 week period, and therfore have good antibodies to prevent futher problems with Covid. (as everyone knows, keeping up on Vitamin D, Zinc, Vitamin C supplements, good exercise and healthy eating will strengthen the immune system to help avoid serious infections.  The doctor prescribed protocols of Ivermectin, nebluized hydrogen peroxide, and hydroxychloroquin are over 90% effective in preventing serious infection when treated early if you catch the virus.  There are other newer protocol treatments that appear to being working as well.  Please be prepared if you catch the virus as we all want good health for each of us and our loved ones.

FYI: The data for the “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” with 95% to 99% of COVID-related hospitalizations and deaths being attributed to the unvaccinated is not from recent data. They are taking the data from Jan 1, 2021 up to July. At January less than 1% were fully vaccinated, so of course, that data would show 99% of deaths from unvaccinated. But if you take recent data since the Delta variant (the primary variant being spread now), the 95% to 99% reported is totally FALSE!!! Recent data shows the hospitalization and deaths rates for vaccinated people are 85-90% (Israel), 87% (Scotland), 80% (Barnstable Co. Massachusetts), demonstrating the vaccinated are at higher risk than unvaccinated for the Delta variant. Hopefully, the new booster will help for the Delta variant.

The good news is that even though the Delta variant is more easily spread, it is less virulent. The United Kingdom's presentation, their 16th report on the mutations, and what they demonstrated is that the Delta is more contagious but it’s far less deadly, far less worrisome. In fact, it’s a much weaker virus than both the U.K. [Alpha] and the South African [Beta] variants.” Serious hospitalizations and deaths are at a much lower overall rate.

08/17/21 07:31 PM #9    


Diane Sprouse (Hutchens)

Linda -- Thank you for the update on the exits! Hope not to have to call but glad to have the number. I am really not familiar with that side of town since I grew up on the westside. Looking forward to seeing everyone and the funny guys as well.


08/20/21 08:16 AM #10    


Chris Stender

#&^#%$!+&#&!!!, I had been looking forward to our time together for along time. I 'm going to miss yall badly!!! Its been 25 yrs since I had the flu, but I have those symptoms now (no loss of taste or smell).  I pray God blesses each of you, both those who will meet together and those who can't make it and your families.

"Ahora bien, sabemos que Dios dispone todas las cosas para el bien de quienes lo aman, los que han sido llamados de acuerdo con su propósito." (Romans 8:28)

08/22/21 09:58 PM #11    


Debbie Vorick


Terri and I are working on photos and a few videos of the dance floor and band. Will have them available ASAP. Wonderful to see you all! 

Deb Vorick and my side kick Terri




08/26/21 02:50 PM #12    

Linda Adair (Matyas)

Hi all,

The photos generously taken by Deb Vorick and Terri Weidauer have been posted to the website under the clever label located on the left side of the home page as "50+1 reunion photos". If anyone has any photos they would like to share on the Class of 1970 website, please send them to Linda and Paul Matyas email

From the Class of 70 Lost and Found department, a pair of 'Timberland' sunglasses were left at the reunion. If you would like them back, please send an email or call Linda or Paul at 269-365-8084.

Lastly, the reunion was an absolute blast. More fun from the event will be shared soon.

Gang of 10

11/16/23 10:31 PM #13    


Elaine Ward (Pereira)

Hi Everyone,

If we're connected on Facebook, then some of you already know I lost my husband Joseph March 30, 2022 from biliary cancer (bile duct, pancreas and liver).  And surreal grief didn't end there; June 13th my 12 yo lab/shepherd died of a stroke, quickly followed by my closest girlfriend of over 40 years to pancreatic cancer!   Death's trifecta still affects me and will for a long time.   

Now, I belong to Compassion and Choices Michigan Action Team, the local counterpart to the nation’s largest and most active nonprofit working to improve care, expand options, and empower everyone to have a voice in their end-of-life journey. 

My personal advocacy for medical-aid-in-dying (MAiD) launched after witnessing Joe's inhumane, catastrophically painful death.  Over a 5-week period even with daily hospice support and medication administration every hour, he was in constant agony!  As his cancer metastasized it invaded every organ with its tortuous tentacles always several steps ahead of any meaningful treatments.  I’ll never un-see nor un-hear his last weeks! 

Joe didn’t have to die like this!  No one should.  Had MAiD been available in Michigan, he could have had a peaceful, painless end of life.  And he would have been the perfect candidate, meeting all 4 criteria as outlined below: 

Last week several senators in Michigan proposed Senate Bill #681 a Death with Dignity law, which would allow terminally ill (6 mos) adults the option of obtaining a prescription to pass peacefully on their own timeline, at home, surrounded by family and friends if they want.  4 critical criteria: 1-Terminally ill, 2-Lucid, 3-Adults, 4-Able to self ingest the medication. (NOT Kevorkian like assisted suicide!!!)

I'm reaching out to my former classmates, their family, and their friends about this important subject.  If you’re supportive, please take a moment to join and encourage like-minded friends/family to do the same. The larger the MI membership, the better.  Donate financially if you can as well.  Michigan needs your voice!

I’m fully committed to the marathon that we’re embarking on and all in!  IF you’d consider being a volunteer also, PLEASE join the movement.  It can be all consuming, like me, or whatever you have time for.  

Hope you’ll join us; please contact either of our two Michigan co-leaders: Dorothy Engelman,  and/or Shelby McBride 

I welcome any questions or comments and look forward to networking with you. My email address is   

Thank you!  Elaine (Ward) Pereira

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